Many years ago my wife and I dined at a now defunct but most wonderful Mexican restaurant in New York. We were served our Margharitas and they were the best. Without ordering a second drink, our host arrived with what seemed to be a sink sized drink for each of us. We took our time and enjoyed our freebie. We had ordered our food when we placed the original drink order and about an hour had passed since then. We were finally served and found out the freebie and long wait was due to the Immigration Service raid on the kitchen help left the restaurant without any help with the exception of our host and his partner.
We didn't seem to mind since we were half looped by the tub sized drinks.
The next morning I was wakened by my wife's agitated cries for help.....
She had developed INSTANT CATARACTS overnight.
All ended well, she forgot to remove her contact lenses (thanks to the tub sized drink).
What has this to do with PD and me, well it seems I have developed instant and painful numbness and a burning tingling in my right arm and hand. It had occurred every so often in the past and I was told it had to do with a pinched nerve in the neck. It seems we PWP have neck issues.
For the last three days it has not subsided nor lessened in the pain factor. I had a stressful 12 days of traveling in the storms (ice/snow), exhibiting in a less than productive show, driving back in ice/snow, shoveling out my car from under 20+ inches of snow and keeping our aging Molly dog from freaking out at the depth of snow where she normally "goes".
I don't know now if this is the result of a pinched nerve or if something else is going on. I don't recall all the side effects of my meds, but somewhere I remember seeing something on the subject of numbness.
I will contact my MDS about this. I have already had a neck and upper spinal MRI and she saw nothing to be alarmed at. The normal aging process, arthritis,etc.
Has any one out experienced this???