Monday, December 14, 2009

Parkinson's and Changing Medicines

In the past eleven years since I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, I have endured the fear and panic of adding medications to control the symptons of PD (as we all know there is no cure yet). When you know you are signing on for a lifetime of putting more and more foreign things into your body--you worry and become concerned that this is just a "shooting from the hip" process.
Parkinson's is such a fickle disease, you hardly ever know what's around the corner, until you get there.
Well, my latest fun was weaning myself off one medication and adding another.
MISERY, that's what I call this past few days. I now await the open office hours of my PD specialist, hoping for an answer, but I do remember the Doctors are still practicing medicine.
I look forward to better days ahead.
'Till next time.

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